Seize the Day
Commencement is a day of celebration for the university. As a student, it's your next step in life. As a faculty and staff member, we're sad to see you go but can't wait to hear what you do next. Graduation marks a momentous occasion in the lives of our graduates and the entire university family.
Due to limited space, seating is not guaranteed; unless otherwise stated, seating is first come, first served. Live video overflow is made available. University holds two commencement ceremonies annually: Fall (December) and Spring (May).
Why Apply?
If you've asked that question, you are not alone. Each year students are surprised to learn that they must notify the University of their plans to graduate.
The short answer is this: We do not know your plans from one term to the next. You may intend to go four years (or eight semesters) straight and be done. However, many students take longer than eight semesters to complete their undergraduate degrees. Work, family, and money are just a few reasons why a student may have to go part-time for a semester or two, thus pushing back the graduation date.
Bottom line: We will not know when you plan to finish your degree until you tell us.
Applying to graduate sets in motion processes designed to ensure that you meet all the graduation requirements. Specifically, it will generate for you an initial degree audit. Your completed course work will be compared to the course work required for your degree and program of study. You and your advisor will use the audit to guide your course selection for upcoming terms in order to complete your program at the earliest possible date.
How to Apply
Submit an application as follows:
- For Associate's degree candidates, submit the Undergraduate Graduation Application after you earn 30 credit hours.
- For Bachelor's degree candidates, submit the Undergraduate Graduation Application after you earn 70 credit hours.
- For Master's degree candidates, submit the Graduate Graduation Application after you earn 15 credit hours.
Please log into TigerNet. Click on the “Academic Affairs” tab. Then on the left side, please click on “Graduation Application”. This will direct you on submitting an application for graduation online. You will receive a confirmation when you have successfully submitted the application.
Upon receipt of your application, we will prepare a Graduation Audit Progress Profile (GAPP). It will list all the components (aims) of your degree and, in detailed fashion, show what you've completed, what you need, and what is in progress. You and your advisor will review the GAPP and report any issues that need attention.
Tip: Complete any course substitutions prior to applying to graduate so that they will be reflected on your GAPP.
View steps you need to complete before graduation.
Here is a copy of the Graduation Checklist provided to students on TigerNet. It contains both academic and non-academic steps that students need to do before graduation.
- Students who plan to complete requirements for graduation in May, August, December, and January must file an Application for Graduation with the Registrar's Office in order to generate a Graduation Application Progress Profile (GAPP). You must log into TigerNet to fill out the Graduation Application.
- Meet degree requirements as listed in the University Catalog - graduate with at least the minimum number of credit hours required by your program of study and have a 2.0 overall GPA.
- Students who have taken courses at other institutions should confirm with the Registrar's Office that official transcripts have been received.
- Pick up caps, gowns, robes, tassels, etc. no later than two weeks for Commencement from the CU Tiger Shop. Masters candidates will need to secure the appropriate hood as well.
- EXIT EXAMS - Students in Teacher Education must take specific PRAXIS exams as prescribed for the area of study. Education advisors have more information.
- EXIT INTERVIEWS (for LOANS) - Federal Direct loan recipients can complete the exit interview online at website.
- Pay all student accounts including parking and library fines and the graduation fee.
- Return all library materials.
- UNIVERSITY HOUSING - Be sure to take all of your belongings with you. Items left cannot be stored. If you paid a deposit, check with your residence director to arrange for a refund, if you qualify.
- For graduates or guests with disabilities - please email to discuss accommodations.
- Candidates are encouraged to review the requirements for graduation found in the Bulletin-Catalog.
This checklist is general in nature and is intended to serve as a guide for students. A formal and official list of remaining requirements is provided in the Graduation Application Progress Profile (GAPP) that each student receives upon submission of the graduation application.
Spring 2025 Commencement Schedule
1:00pm - Master’s and Doctoral degrees (Non-Louisville Graduate Business Programs)
3:00pm - Graduate (Louisville Graduate Business Programs): Master of Information Technology Management (MSITM), Master of Science in Computer Science (MSCS), Management and Leadership (MML), Master of Science in Cloud Computing (MSCC), Master of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSDS), and Professional Master of Business Administration (PMBA)
All ceremonies on May 9th will be held in Powell Athletic Center on the Campbellsville campus.
9:00am – Bachelor of Science
12:00pm – Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology, Bachelor of Social Work, and all Associate Degrees
All ceremonies on May 10th will be held in Powell Athletic Center on the Campbellsville campus.
Additional Information:
Tickets are not required to attend the graduation ceremonies. Diplomas are not handed out at the ceremonies. Diplomas will be mailed to the address you requested on your application for graduation after all final grades have been posted and final degree audits approved.
Information will be coming soon about caps, gowns, and graduation regalia – keep checking your CU email for the latest graduation information.
Continue to check your degree progress on TigerNet, and discuss all questions with your academic advisors. As per the catalog, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure all requirements for graduation are met.
Browse through the information below to become better prepared for the day of your ceremony.
Academic regalia for all degree candidates will include a black academic gown and mortarboard/tam appropriate for the degree level. It is the responsibility of the degree candidate to secure academic regalia through the University-approved vendor prior to the ceremony and bring it to the ceremony. To participate in the ceremony, you must wear the required cap and gown as received from the CU Tiger Shop. No flags or ceremonial dress will be permitted.
Mortarboards may only have decorations on the top and must not be distracting to the ceremony. In addition to the academic gown and mortarboard, any adornment must be provided and/or approved by the University.
Undergraduate degree candidates who will graduate with honors will wear tassels and/or stoles provided by the University.
Cords, stoles, medallions, and pins representing University-recognized honor societies, athletic teams, academic units, military/veteran students, and students with international affiliation are allowed. The group issuing the item must apply and recieve approval from the Academic Council.
The Office of the Registrar will maintain a list of approved regalia adornments.
Also, as a reminder, only the graduating student is allowed to cross the stage to receive the diploma. No additional family member or friends will be allowed to walk across the stage. Violation of these procedures will result in the student not participating in the ceremony. If you have any questions regarding graduation policy and procedures, please feel free to contact the Office of Academic Affairs.
Prior to processing for the commencement ceremony, graduates will be asked to remove any adornment that is offensive or does not comply with this policy.
When dressing for commencement, “business” or “business casual” are the order of the day. While men may opt for a suit/sport coat, it is optional, depending on how comfortable you will be in your gown.
TIP: Don't wait until Friday to unwrap your gown or you'll look like you slept in it! Instead, open it as soon as you get it to let some of the wrinkles fall out. Iron or steam it for a neat look. Local dry cleaners can do this for you, too.
Caps, gowns, and tassels will be available for purchase through the Campbellsville University Tiger Shop and online through Herff Jones. All graduating students will receive information on how to order their regalia during their last semester. The CU Tiger Shop and Herff Jones have created the below link for easy ordering of all your graduation regalia needs!
When you click on the Cap and Gown “Order Your Regalia” button, you will choose the appropriate drop-down option. Once the next page comes up on the order – you will click on Cap & Gown. There are several options available to choose from. In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, you must wear the cap, gown, tassel, and hood (graduate ONLY). Feel free to purchase other items, but you must have the standard graduation regalia if participating in the ceremony.
If you earn an honor cord for gpa, or a cord from another organization, that information will be communicated to you at a later date. The Registrar’s Office will start notification of honor cords in April to student email addresses. This is only for bachelor degree-seeking students, with a 3.5 cumulative career gpa. Other organizations that issue special cords will notify students closer to graduation. The CU Tiger Shop does not handle cords and they cannot be purchased from Herff Jones.
The deadline for placing orders, shipped to your home, is April 18th – please do not delay on placing your orders. Orders placed after this date may incur additional fees.
If you have any questions regarding the graduation regalia – please contact the CU Tiger Shop at 270-789-5248.
The Registrar's Office is required to verify that all degree requirements are met before posting degrees and issuing diplomas. This means your diploma will not be in your folder at commencement.
Degree verification is a lengthy process. If all requirements are met, you should receive your diploma in about eight weeks.
To order a transcript please click here.
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